relationship and perception

the Chiropractor’s true job is in supporting the unwinding and normalization of neuro-energetic tone so that YOU can resource YOURSELF ~ so that you can truly know yourself. as our neuro-energetic tone regulates, we have an opportunity to step into greater knowing and ease, giving us the room we need so that we may change our relationship to Life from the inside-out.

the Chiropractic masters of old would ask, [paraphrased] “Why does one individual, who’s had the same upbringing, environment, teaching, training, EXPOSURE, etc., get sick while another [within the same circumstances] does not?”

perhaps it wasn’t because the “healthy” one was on a 74-supplement protocol, saw 18 practitioners each week, and/or did all the other “things”, but rather it was his or her orientation to Life and how it all unfolded - a representation of the integrity of their system.

what are your thoughts?


thot on perception


simplicity in healing