vitalistic chiropractic care
“the only journey is the one within.”
- rainer maria rilke
“Chiropractic” comes from the Greek words “kheiro” & “praktikos” to form the the phrase “done by hand”. Founded in 1895 by D.D. Palmer, Chiropractic was developed to be first a healing art-form that works with potential energy held in the body and facilitates an unwinding process of the nervous system so that the Innate wisdom within can flourish.
Chiropractors recognize that there is a Universal Intelligence or vital force (prana) that infuses and permeates all things, at all times, and works through us via the nervous system as the central channel in the form of our Innate Intelligence. The founding philosophy and essence of this work is now being identified with and expanded upon through the findings and discoveries of quantum physics, bio-tensegrity, somatic experiencing, poly-vagal theory, and other fields focused on understanding the nervous system and the mind-body connection.
Your nervous system (brain, spinal cord, nerves) is what perceives and receives ALL of the information and experiences of life, internally and externally, processing and integrating it all so that you can continue to grow and thrive as the wonderful human BE-ing that you are. Various types of experiences can alter the tone and tension of this incredible system and thus alter our perception of Life. When our perception is altered (or collapsed), we are more likely to experience things as conflictual (see German New Medicine) and have relative adaptations + restorations at every level of our Being (which leads to what the conventional + holistic paradigms call “symptoms” or “disease”). Ultimately, the Nervous System plays a key role in how we perceive, process, and integrate Life.
The term “subluxation” is used in Chiropractic to describe the energetic/physical impression of the interference that arises from our conflictual experiences (again, see GNM) , which may result in any combination of altered movement and biomechanics, abnormal tension in the nervous system, abnormal tension and tone of the muscular and ligamentous systems, lack of whole-body coherence, diminished adaptability, decreased immune function, altered visceral (organ) function, poor sleep quality, etc.
In the Vitalistic model, all symptoms are seen as down-stream effects of our body’s Innately-driven and intelligent way of adapting + protecting us after conflictual experiences. In other words, pain, tension, “getting sick”, etc. are expressions of healing.
The Chiropractic adjustment helps create greater space for each individual to experience healing from within and to shed conditioning and patterns that have been layered on through out the course of life. The adjustment's sole purpose is to progressively help diminish tension and interference held in the nervous system, which limits the expression of Innate and our ability to move through Life with ease, adaptability, and awareness. Traditionally, Chiropractic was NOT designed to cure diseases, diagnose, "label", or "fix" people, but instead to help the body’s natural healing mechanisms shine more efficiently and effectively, while connecting you to the Innate wisdom within.
In our space, the adjusting process can vary from feeling and receiving dynamic force applications within the body to lighter touch applications. At Rhythm Chiropractic, each adjustment is unique and individualized based on each person’s needs in the moment, with time to rest and integrate during and afterwards. Regular visit times may last up to 30 minutes.
Dr. Chris uses the German New Medicine framework for understanding how our bodies Innately process and integrate our experiences and how our “symptoms” (ie back pain, neck pain, headaches, fertility issues, digestive issues, and more) show us where we can bring more mindfulness, attention, and responsibility.
For more information on GNM, click the link here.