where does true Vitality come from?
is it something that is GIVEN to you by a practitioner, protocol, supplement, etc?
or is it inherent to all of us?
in the Vitalistic + Chiropractic orientations to life, it is Innate to us all; health, healing, well-being come from within.
if Vitality is inherent to our experience of life, why don’t we all feel it? what’s blocking its expression?
many of us start with just tuning into our environment, and rightly so - being indoors with fake light 90% of the day, looking and screens all day, lack of movement, fake food, dirty air, etc. create strain in our systems, which interferes with the expression of Vitality. and there is certainly some truth to the saying, “you can’t heal in the same environment that made you sick”.
but what many of us tend to find is that the real ROOT CAUSE of our lack of Vitality, pain, symptoms, etc. is indeed because we are living out of Alignment, incongruently, and inhibited, all of which create the greatest strain of all.
so the work each of us does should ultimately be designed to point us back inwards; work that asks us to bring attention and awareness to each moment so that we may FEEL and experience where we’re “missing the mark” or living incongruently, and move from there.