doors of perception

if the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is:⁣ ⁣ infinite

if the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is:⁣


Our nervous system is the “doors of perception”. We perceive and respond (or react) to life based on the current state of our nervous system (connection, fight/flight, or freeze), which is primarily determined by which branch of autonomic system is activated (ventral vagal, sympathetic, or dorsal vagal - more on these later). When we have access to our ventral vagal system, we have the capacity to see life different and from a place of connection. “Things” no longer cause us to react, but rather, we’re able to respond and observe and move from a place of choice. We feel safe in our bodies and external environment, which allows us to explore and create. Our ego or Educated mind loses some of it’s power and we can live from the heart or from the space of Innate.


dancing to the rhythm of innate


so you must do right…