
As you begin or continue this conscious process of healing, it’s important to acknowledge whether or not the people, places, and patterning you find yourself around or in are supportive to your goals. True healing requires a radical transformation in how you orient yourself and your life. It requires that ALL of your work be in resonance and congruent with the principles of True healing and Life.

True healing is not about “hacking”, manipulating, or tricking yourself into something different.

It’s not about adding more “stuff” to the pile of things you think you have to do.

It’s not about becoming someone or something else to fit an expectation or an image of what you’re seeing in others online.

And it certainly isn’t about “fixing”.

If your practitioners, protocols, coaches, x-y-z thing use the words “broken”, “fix”, “heal you”, or it feels like they require you to be dependent on them, it may be time to shift. If they’re creating further concepts in you that make you feel separate, rather than holding space for the Innate potential within, it may be time to shift.

Find the places that support YOU and your process, not the other way around.


trust + surrender


the class