dancing to the rhythm of innate

chiropractic:⁣ (un)learning to dance to the rhythm of Innate

(un)learning to dance to the rhythm of Innate

We use the word “unlearning” often in Chiropractic when we talk about the shifts that happen when we receive true Chiropractic care as it what originally intended. Unlearning refers to the shift away from certain patterns of conditioning or loosening the grip of the ego, which in Chiropractic is termed “Educated”. As our neurology shifts away from patterns or states of defense, freeze, hyper-vigilance, etc., we begin to see that we are simply an observer; that we are not our bodies, our emotions, our faults, our “brokenness”. We begin to live in a space that is congruent, authentic, and purposeful. We begin to live in a space that allows us to connect and receive from that something that is within all of us and that is always present. We begin to live in rhythm with Innate.


welcome to rhythm chiropractic


doors of perception